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Distance Knowledge Sharing on Suicide Prevention: “How To Address One Million Deaths a Year Towards The World Suicide Report” Country Experience from Malaysia
by Dyan Ekawati - Thursday, 12 February 2015, 1:07 PM

Date and Time

February 23, 2015 | 10.00-11.30 (Jakarta Time)


1. Ruang Video Conference Global Development Learning Network (GDLN)
Gedung IASTH lantai 1
Kampus UI Salemba, DKI Jakarta, 10430

2. Kantor Sumberdaya Pembelajaran
Gedung A lantai dasar, Kompleks eks Perpustakaan Pusat
Kampus UI Depok, Jawa Barat, 16424


WHO estimates that almost one million deaths are due to suicide every year, the majority of which occur in low- and middle-income countries. Attempted suicide can be up to 20 times more frequent than suicide. As suicide is among the top three causes of death in the population aged 15-34 years (second leading cause for 10-24 year olds) globally, there is a massive loss to societies of young people. There is a need for immediate action which includes public health and cross-sector/inter-agency approaches.


To respond to this neglected but important global priority, WHO launched the first-ever World Suicide Report in late 2014. According to the report, Malaysia’s percentage change in age standardized suicide rates 2000–2012 is -23.9% for both sexes. Tokyo Development Learning Center, the World Bank together with the United Nations University International Institute for Global Health presents the distance knowledge sharing seminar to focus on country case studies, including good practices and lessons learned.

The program will be organized jointly by the World Bank/TDLC and UNU-IIGH.


  • Dr Nurashikin Ibrahim, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
  • Dr Andrew Mohan Raj, Associate Professor of Psychiatry, Perdana University

Target Audience

  • National and local government officials from ministries and agencies.
  • Policy makers, DRM stakeholders, health specialists among others.

Registration Form : Click here

Contact for more information

Public Relation and Marketing Officer :

Ameriono Ismangil

Email :

Phone : 081283662937

GDLN Secretary :

Dyan Ekawati

Email :

Phone : 0815904866437